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My movement journey

I always hated PE at school and would do anything to skip it. To be honest it really put me off exercising completely, it was such a chore - running circles around a cement field god knows how many times, doing jumping jacks and playing group sports that I was useless at. I enjoyed swimming, until the school made us compete so I gave up on that too.

I tried to avoid exercise for a long time. I associated it to something forced, not enjoyable or competitive. This is something I’ve always found really sad about my school days, back in my time they didn’t offer diversity and open up the space for students to explore themselves on a person level to find what movement styles worked for them individually. Everyone was bunched into one group and told to comply. For those who know me, you know compliance was not and is not my thing.

As I got older, I joined a gym and enjoyed that for a while, but soon found it repetitive and boring. Plus, I lived in Seychelles, why on earth would I want to be locked up in a room pushing metal when I could be outdoors playing in the sun and getting up to no good instead. I did not really have much of a sense of direction growing up, I never really found a place where I fit. So health and fitness wasn’t really my priority until much later in life, after I left Seychelles.

Once I started travelling, I began exploring various styles of Yoga and really found something I enjoyed about the practice. It wasn’t forced, not back when I first got into it, nor was it about the fancy poses. I could take things at my own pace and felt great after each class. Over the next few years of travelling, I continued practicing here and there but my priority until the age of 24 was to have fun, I was always doing something, always going somewhere. A real adventurer to say the least, thankfully that kept me really active. Although the binge drinking and junk food did not help! I gained 12kgs in less than 6 months when I first started travelling.

It wasn’t until I started working in the kitchen in Margret River, Australia, that I really started to get into my movement practice. This was in 2014! I was 24 at the time and started to notice my body changing and requiring more movement. I was lucky enough to live right next door to an Iyengar master - Shane Moody and joined him on an amazing movement journey for the next two years. Shane has since passed away, but he was one of my biggest role models and really changed my whole perception of movement and Yoga. He opened my eyes to the mental aspect of Yoga, something I really needed as an erratic, emotional young girl desperately looking for all the answers to life.

I quickly found Yoga wasn’t enough for my body, so I started bodyweight training and got into Pilates. I soon decided to dive into studying the two exercise systems (Yoga & Pilates) that inspired me so much! This is where my movement journey truly kicked off.

In 2016 I had to return to Seychelles suddenly because my mother fell ill, and eventually decided to move back permanently and set up my own business. When my mother was better, I went to India for a few months as I wanted to dive deeper into Yoga and immerse myself in its birthplace. Thats another story though! I completed all my pending courses and soon started teaching Pilates and Yoga in Seychelles.

I’ve always had a bit of a different take on movement in general and believe it is so unique to each individual. We are all so different, there is no one size fits all approach (something you’ll hear me say a lot!). Over the years, I studied functional fitness, explored primal movement styles and experimented with my own body. Although I had learned the basics and those foundations served me well, my true joy came from colouring outside of the boxes of exercise systems. Exercise systems are a great guideline, don’t get me wrong, but our bodies are capable of and require so much more range!

It is really over the last 2 years that I have refined my teaching style and what I want to share. Movement is nothing without the mind, the reason why I started a neurology and pain management course last year. Feeling free and at ease in your own skin, keeping your body as healthy as possible for as long as possible! That is what it’s all about at the end of the day - longevity and freedom in motion.

I still have a long way to go and so so much more to learn and unlearn, but this journey is never ending and I don’t trust anyone who claims to have ‘THE’ answers to life or health. It is such a personal journey, on all the levels!

Over the years I have worked with many clients, some of which have been with me since I first set up my business in 2016! I love to teach people to explore themselves externally and internally to find what works for them, I’ve seen how different it looks for everyone! The more diversity you can incorporate into your movement practice, the better for you in the long run! Your body can do so much, but it’s important to lay solid foundations and start with the basics. Sometimes we limit ourselves to 1 or 2 exercise systems that only count for a very small portion of what you are actually capable of. Remember this - what you don’t use, you loose! So step out of the boxes, out of the linear, get creative and get moving! You’ll be surprised what you can discover and the freedom you’ll find.


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